Modern Literature & Culture Research Centre & Gallery

Modernism by Sonia Delaunay 

The editors of The Modernist World (Routledge) seek contributors to write high-level overview essays (4000 words) on the following aspects of modernism: 

  • Literature in South Asia 
  • Literature in North Africa, Arabia, and the Middle East 
  • Architecture and Design in South Asia 
  • Architecture and Design in Canada and the USA 
  • Architecture and Design in Latin America and Luso-Hispanic America 
  • Architecture and Design in Sub-Saharan Africa 
  • Architecture and Design in Australia and the Pacific 
  • Music in East/Southeast Asia 
  • Intellectual Currents in East/Southeast Asia 
  • Intellectual Currents in the North Africa, Arabia, and the MIddle East 
  • Intellectual Currents in Canada and the USA 
  • Intellectual Currents in Sub-Saharan Africa 
  • Intellectual Currents in Australia and the Pacific 
  • Dance in Canada and the USA 
  • Film in East/Southeast Asia 
  • Film in North Africa, Arabia, and the Middle East 
  • Film in Latin and Luso-Hispanic Americas 
  • Visual Arts in Latin and Luso-Hispanic Americas 

Accessible to students, researchers and general readers, The Modernist World will be composed of sixty-four newly commissioned articles. The book rethinks the transnational and interdisciplinary significance of Modernism in the arts and allied disciplines, including modernist architecture and design, dance, film, literature, music, intellectual currents, theatre/drama and the visual arts. The Modernist World also acknowledges the terminological, temporal, material, aesthetic, political, and cultural pluralities of Modernism across the disciplines. Indeed, the scope of the book will help readers to discover the points of convergence and divergence between the fields by respecting the diversity of approaches to Modernism. All contributors will receive £50 or £100 worth of Routledge books, plus a copy of The Modernist World once it is published. The book is under contract with Routledge, and scheduled for publication in 2014. 

Please direct all inquiries and offers to contribute to the editors, Allana Lindgren ( and Stephen Ross (

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