Modern Literature & Culture Research Centre & Gallery

Selections of Scholarly Articles

Yifan Kong and Irene Gammel. “Rediscovering West Chinatown: Immersive Game Design Revives Toronto’s Chinese Cultural Heritage.” Design for Equality and Justice (Springer), 2024.
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Irene Gammel. “Enduring Ornaments: Five Enigmatic Found Objects and Assemblies by Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, or the Avant-Garde Legacy of Trash.” Journal of Avant-Garde Studies 3.1 (18 December 2023): 168-200.
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Gammel, Irene, and Ingrid Mida. “How to Dress the Body Artfully: The ‘Art in Dress’ Column in the Art Amateur Magazine, 1881-1883,”Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 13.2 (2022): 226-246.
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Gammel, Irene. “‘We are the Dead’: Rhetoric, Community and the Making of John McCrae’s Iconic War Poem.” First World War Study (Taylor and Francis): 2018 (online)
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Gammel, Irene. “Memory of St. Julien: Configuring Gas Warfare in Mary Riter Hamilton’s Battlefield Art.” Journal of War and Culture Studies 9.1 (February 2016). Advance publication online December 9, 2015.
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Gammel, Irene. “Dada Fantasia: Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven in New York.” Die Dada: Wie Frauen Dada prägten. Ed. Ina Boesch. Zurich: Verlag Scheidegger & Spiess, March 2015. 98-106.    
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Gammel, Irene and Cathy Waszczuk. “‘A Rare Moment of Crisis’: Modernist Intellectual Currents in Europe.” The Modernist World. Ed. Allana Lindgren and Stephen Ross. London: Routledge, 2015.  301-310
Read "Reconfiguring Modernism in the Global World"
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Irene Gammel and John Wrighton. "Arabesque Grotesque: Toward a Theory of Dada Ecopoetics." Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature and the Environment (Oxford) 10.1093 (Fall 2013): 1-22.
Read "Arabesque Grotesque: Toward a Theory of Dada Ecopoetics"
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Irene Gammel. "Lacing Up the Gloves: Women, Boxing and Modernity." Cultural and Social History (Bloomsbury) 9.3 (September 2012): 369-390(22)
Read "Lacing Up the Gloves: Women, Boxing and Modernity."
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The Great War in Literature and Visual Culture

MLC Themes

The Great War in Literature and Visual Culture

Amid the unprecedented social change of World War I, women renegotiated their identities by dramatically changing the way they engaged with the arts. But how did they do so? And how did everyday citizens engage with the war?

Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven

MLC Themes

Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven

Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, considered by many to be the mother of Dada, was a daringly innovative poet and an early creator of junk sculpture. “The Baroness” was best known for her sexually charged, often controversial performances.

Modernism in the World

MLC Themes

Modernism in the World

Recent research has departed from the Euro-centric and national view of Modernism to include approaches and methods studying Modernism across national boundaries and across different art forms to include fashion, dance, performance, technology, and visual culture.

Lucy Maud Montgomery

MLC Themes

Lucy Maud Montgomery

L.M. Montgomery is perhaps Canada's most important literary export. She was prolific writer of over 500 short stories and poems, and twenty novels, including the beloved Anne of Green Gables.

Canadian Modernism

MLC Themes

Canadian Modernism

The works of numerous Canadian authors who lived during the modernist era may well constitute the most central and experimental articulation of Canadian modernism in prose, allowing authors to stage cross-cultural, controversial, and even conflicted identities.

Modernist Biography and Life Writing

MLC Themes

Modernist Biography and Life Writing

Life writing, including autobiographical accounts, diaries, letters and testimonials written or told by women and men whose political, literary or philosophical purposes are central to their lives, has become a standard tool for communication and the dissemination of information.