- Alumni, Undergraduate Students & Recent Graduates
- BA
- English
- Ryerson University
Holly Lock
Holly is a proud MLC Alumna and no longer with the Centre.
A BA English student at Ryerson University (2013-2017), Holly Lock joined the MLC Research Centre after completing a senior project course on John McCrae's “In Flanders Fields,” taught by MLC Director Dr. Irene Gammel. Her research interests include Canadian literature, and the First World War and its impact on Canadian culture in the 20th century. Throughout her time at Ryerson she has studied French literature and culture, and has a particular interest in expressions of madness and mental illness throughout the English literary canon. She is excited to be gaining valuable and practical research experience alongside the MLC team. She is also involved in the exhibition Remembering the Real Winnie: The World’s Most Famous Bear Turns 100.