Nina Zeller
Nina is a proud MLC Alumna and no longer with the Centre.
As an International Visiting Graduate Student, Nina Zeller came from Germany to intern at the MLC Research Centre for the summer term of 2012. On Dr. Gammel’s research team, Nina was involved in assisting with projects related to Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven and Canadian painter Mary Riter Hamilton, in particular Hamilton’s Berlin mentor Franz Skarbina. Nina Zeller holds an MA in Art History from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), which she completed in 2012, with an MA thesis entitled "Der ‘Fall R. Mutt’: Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, Marcel Duchamp und die Frage nach der Urheberschaft des Readymades ‘Fountain.’” While completing her internship at the MLC Research Centre, Nina Zeller was awarded a coveted position as a cub reporter with the German magazine Freundin.